Information | ||
Command: | !guildpoints (leader) | |
Requirements: | 100 rank points, Free Player | |
Players online: | 3 online | |
Different IPS: | 3 IPs | |
Points: | 200 points (each player) | |
The command can be used once every 12 hours. Each player will receive points only once per account. |
Points | Picture | Description | Select product |
100 | Warz Slingshot (100 points) You see a Warz Slingshot (Atk:240, Range:5). | Login to buy | |
100 | Warz Staff (100 points) You see a Warz Staff (Range:5). | Login to buy | |
100 | Warz Axe (100 points) You see a Warz Axe (Atk:240, Def:25). | Login to buy | |
100 | Warz Boots (100 points) Faster Regeneration (Enhanced soft boots) | Login to buy |
Status: | |
Online: | 154 |
Accounts: | 1340 |
Characters: | 1754 |