IP: marlboro-war.net   Port: 7171   Client: 8.6   Host: Virginia, USA (Global)   

We recommend our players to not use auto 1-100 hotkeys on elfbot or very low boost timers on magebot. Otherwise your connection will be limited and might experience lags nor kicks.


Addons & Outfits

Special Outfits
Retro Citizen Outfit
Retro Hunter Outfit
Retro Mage Outfit
Retro Knight Outfit
Retro Nobleman Outfit
Retro Summoner Outfit
Retro Warrior Outfit
Raccoon Outfit
Inquisitor Outfit
Dementor Outfit
Hell Mage Outfit
You must download our custom client, in case you have one of those outfits.
(All special outfits are shown as wedding outfits on the normal client)

Here is a list of the addons/outfits price.
Choose an outfit

First Citizen Addon
Cost: 100 soul orbs
Second Citizen Addon
Cost: 100 soul orbs
Full Citizen Addons

Latest update client: 29.01.2022
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 Characters: 6223
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